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Kitchen appliances

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Right chevron

Fridge freezers

Right chevron

Frost free Fridge freezers

Why not make your life easier with our range of frost free fridge freezers? We understand that this appliance plays a very important role in your home and you rely on it heavily - the frost free function means you don’t need to disrupt your food storage to defrost as technology continuously runs to stop an ice build-up. Our Beko frost free fridge freezers models utilise frost free technology through an automatic fan that removes any warm air that enters when you open your freezer door before it has time to condense into water and freezer into ice. The prevention of this ice build up also means the taste of your food won’t be effected or damaged. With integrated and freestanding models to choose from you can pick the best fit for your kitchen space.

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Frost free Fridge freezers

Why not make your life easier with our range of frost free fridge freezers? We understand that this appliance plays a very important role in your home and you rely on it heavily - the frost free function means you don’t need to disrupt your food storage to defrost as technology continuously runs to stop an ice build-up. Our Beko frost free fridge freezers models utilise frost free technology through an automatic fan that removes any warm air that enters when you open your freezer door before it has time to condense into water and freezer into ice. The prevention of this ice build up also means the taste of your food won’t be effected or damaged. With integrated and freestanding models to choose from you can pick the best fit for your kitchen space.

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