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How to create feature wall panelling

By Ellie Reeves | 7th February 2024 | 5 min read

Find out how to wall panel with this step-by-step guide

Panelling has become a popular DIY trend due to how quick, easy, and cost-effective it is to do. With various types of panelling available, there are a few different ways you can do DIY panelling at home. Check out our quick and easy steps below on how to do board and batten wood panelling. (If you’re looking to install another type of panelling, simply follow the same steps but adjust your required panelling shape and size!)

how to panel a wallhow to panel a wallhow to panel a wallhow to panel a wall
wall panellingwall panellingwall panellingwall panelling

1. Measure

Start by measuring your wall and marking out any switches. Calculate how much panelling you’ll need by holding the panels up against the wall, working outwards for symmetry. Place markers on the wall with a pencil for reference – don’t forget to use a spirit level for accuracy! 


wall panellingwall panellingwall panellingwall panelling

2. Cut and paint your panels

Cut the timber panel to size based on your measurements using a hand saw. If you don’t feel comfortable cutting the wood yourself, we offer a timber cutting service in store depending on the amount of wood you need. Once cut, paint your panels in your desired colour (don’t forget the second coat!)

wall panellingwall panellingwall panellingwall panelling

3. Prepare your walls

You will need to prepare the walls behind the panelling before you stick it down. We recommend sanding the walls to ensure they are smooth and level before the panelling goes down. You can also paint the wall behind the panelling for a seamless match.

wall panellingwall panellingwall panellingwall panelling

4. Apply panels to the wall

Make sure you place each panel against the wall without glue first to ensure it fits! Next, apply grab adhesive to the back of the panel. Place the panel in position against the wall and hold down for the recommended amount of time. Apply any vertical panels first, followed by horizontal panels. 

wall panellingwall panellingwall panellingwall panelling

5. Fill any gaps

Don’t forget to fill the joints for a smooth finish! Use decorator’s caulk to fill in any gaps or holes, or areas where the panelling may be a few millimetres short. Once filled, sand the areas down to achieve a smooth finish and go over with another layer of paint if required. 

wall panellingwall panellingwall panellingwall panelling

Just like that - you're all done!

Do it yourself wall panelling is as easy as that. You can now sit back, relax, and enjoy your ultra-stylish wall panelling. In need of some tips on how to style your new panelling? Keep scrolling for our top styling tips for every type of wall panelling.

Follow along with our video guide on how to do panelling...