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Verified Sellers

We have expanded the offer on our website so that you, our customer, can now select from a variety of products sold by one of many verified sellers (and not B&Q). We're here to facilitate the purchase and ensure the same service levels as our own.

A ‘verified seller’ is a brand or retailer that offers their products for sale direct to you on our website. All of our verified sellers go through an extensive verification process to ensure they meet all regulatory, legal and quality requirements and a level of service that is consistent with B&Q.

Products sold by verified sellers are indicated by a text under the product title specifying ‘sold and shipped by [seller name]’.

If you buy an item sold by a verified seller on our website, the contract of sale is with the seller directly. The delivery will be arranged by the verified seller. You can get in touch with the seller by clicking the 'Contact seller' button in the My Orders section of My Account. Alternatively, you can click on the ‘Contact seller’ button in your order confirmation email.

We are here to support and ensure you receive high quality of service every step of the way. We have carefully vetted the verified sellers on our website, and worked closely with them to ensure they deliver to the same high customer service proposition we offer in B&Q. If you do have any issues our Customer Support Team are here to help, please contact us either via our online Contact Us form or call us on 0333 014 3098 (select Option 1)

Limited differences exist - you can order products from verified sellers just as you would order a B&Q product via our usual checkout process.

Standard home delivery and product returns (by arranging a pick up from home, or in one of our stores for most products ) if products do not meet your needs are available.

We are currently not offering: Click + Collect service or Named Day Delivery delivery for items sold by verified sellers.

See the relevant delivery and returns & refunds sections of our FAQs for more details.

Once you have placed an order with a verified seller, you can contact them by clicking the 'Contact Seller' button in the My Orders section of My Account, or you can click on the ‘Contact seller’ button in your order confirmation email.

Upon clicking the link, communication with the verified seller will be started - where you can outline your query. Upon every response from the seller, you will receive an email notification in your email inbox.

Please do not attempt to (or agree to) take the communication with the verified seller outside of this channel - we monitor the communication to ensure the fastest and best possible resolution for you.

Typically the seller will respond within a few hours of the query. However, they can take up to 48 hours to respond. Upon a response from a seller, you will receive an email notification in your email inbox.

If you have not heard back from the seller within 48 hours of contacting them, or you are unsatisfied with their response or query resolution, please contact our Customer Support Teams using our Contact Us form.

We will log your complaint and either provide immediate resolution, or contact the verified seller to resolve the issue - depending on the specific query or issue.

We will aim to provide a full resolution within 28-48 hours of you contacting us with your complaint. We take your complaints seriously - and depending on the complaint, we will work closely with the seller to resolve it and ensure that the occurrence does not repeat itself.

We have a robust quality assurance process to ensure only high quality verified sellers make it to, and a content checking process for information about verified sellers’ products. If you’d like to flag anything with regards to an advertised product by a seller (for example, concern about the product description, or the product itself), please contact our Customer Support Team directly on 0333 014 3098 or using our Contact Us form.

Verified sellers are prohibited from sending unsolicited packages or advertising materials to customers. If you receive a package or advertising materials that you did not order/asked for from a verified seller, please report it immediately via our Customer Support Team on 0333 014 3098 or using our Contact Us form.

We want to emphasize that verified seller will only be given the required personal data to support your order.

If you receive a package that you didn't order, please first check with friends and family to confirm it's not a gift to you. Then contact our Customer Support Team on 0333 014 3098 or using our Contact Us form who will be able to look up the order and support with next steps.

Order amendments are not possible after an order has been placed. If you would like to add an item to your order, you can order the additional item separately.

Please check our returns and refunds page for any questions related to Returns items for items sold by both B&Q and verified sellers.

Please check our delivery page for any questions related to deliveries for items sold by both B&Q and verified sellers.

Currently, Click + Collect is not available for items sold by verified sellers. However, you can purchase from verified sellers with a convenient delivery to your home, or choose to purchase one of our B&Q products which is available for Click + Collect. To view more information about our Click + Collect services please visit our Click + Collect page.

Please note, gift cards can’t be used as payment for products sold and shipped by verified sellers on (i.e. flagged as ‘Sold and shipped by [seller name]’).